At IHCRF, fostering health and climate resilience in India requires an ongoing commitment to learning, adapting, and improving. As we have designed and implemented the IHCRF programme, we've encountered various challenges that have shaped our approach and enhanced our understanding. This page reflects on these experiences, offering an honest account of what we've learned and how we evolve. By sharing these insights, we aim to foster transparency, inspire collaboration, and contribute to the broader development sector.

1. Creating and Setting Boundaries for Problem Areas

What We Learned:

In our early phases, we found it challenging to clearly define and set boundaries for the specific problem areas we aimed to address. A broad scope often led to diluted efforts and made it difficult to measure impact effectively.

Our Response:

We have now implemented a more structured process for defining problem areas, which includes stakeholder consultations, baseline assessments, and strategic focus. We can allocate resources more efficiently and achieve more significant results by narrowing our focus.

2. Addressing Fellow Dropout Mitigation

What We Learned:

We faced instances where fellows left the programme before completion, impacting the cohort's overall dynamic and outcomes. Early indicators suggested reasons such as misalignment of expectations, personal circumstances, and the programme’s demanding nature.

Our Response:

We have introduced more robust onboarding processes, including more transparent communication of expectations and support systems such as mentoring and counselling. Regular check-ins with fellows have been implemented to identify and address potential issues early.

3. Challenges in Designing an Open, Flexible yet Structured Curriculum

What We Learned:

Striking the right balance between a flexible, open curriculum that encourages innovation and a structured one that ensures consistency and measurable learning outcomes proved a significant challenge.

Our Response:

We have refined our curriculum design to incorporate core modules that provide structure and optional modules that offer flexibility. This hybrid approach allows fellows to explore their interests while ensuring they acquire essential skills and knowledge.

4. Challenges with Timing Field Immersion

What We Learned: